Sunday, October 26, 2014

World Peace

Andrew Simpson

What is world peace?

           World peace is a grand idea but I am not sure that it could be obtained in the way that we see it. It would be ideal to see nations come together as equals to solve the major problems that affect the world. It can be said that if we are able to come together as a whole we would have more power than if all the parts of the world remained separate. There is another idea that world peace could only be obtained in today’s society if an absolute or a group of absolute powers had control over the other nations. I believe that world peace as we see it is almost impossible to obtain; so we may have to change our perspective on world peace. 
            In today’s society there are a few established world powers. It can be said that most of these world powers will not be going anywhere anytime soon. In order for world peace to be established in a way that every one is an equal these world powers would have to give up or transfer their resources to other areas. I believe that it would be impossible to get any of the world powers to do this even if it was for the cause of world peace. It would be much more realistic for world peace to be a couple world powers controlling over certain areas.
            People could argue that if nations were able to come together for the cause of world peace then world powers would have no problems transferring resources. However, the way that the world works today is that a couple powers control most things that go on. In a very selfish way these powers mostly focus on bettering themselves and if they work with another nation its about what the world power can gain. If this is the mindset of today’s society I believe that world powers would immediately dismiss the idea of losing some of their power and control.
            I believe that maybe by adopting a view that if nations are able to work together in order to solve a world problem, then it could be seen as an aspect of world peace. This doesn’t mean that nations aren’t involved in conflicts but it means that they were able to put the conflicts aside and solve a main problem. Also, I feel like nations would be more willing to work together on their own terms rather than because an absolute power is forcing them too. The way that we see world peace is unobtainable in today’s society, however if we are able to change our perspective of world peace we could see aspects of it being applied.

            I stand behind the idea that as a whole we would be able to achieve a lot more than if we are divided. This being said if world peace was to be established in today’s world it could not work as a whole. It is clear that there would be a couple nations that would act as absolute powers over other groups. This being said, I am not sure if world peace could be maintained this way. With certain nations in charge and other nations under their control some sort of conflict would arise. I am not sure if world peace as we see it can ever be achieved; we may have to change our idea of world peace before we can obtain it.


  1. I definitely think that you make some interesting points about world powers and polarity. I thing that I immediately thought of when reading this posts were some of the world power systems that we talked about in lecture. You mention world peace could be achieved in a system where there are less powerful states, but one of the ideas mentioned in class was that bipolar and unipolar systems (where there is only one or two very powerful states) is a very stable system and is a possible route towards world peace if the states are in a stable system.

  2. You raise some interesting points. In an ideal world, every state is equally powerful and they are able to collaborate to achieve world peace. However, as David notes in the aforementioned comment, it has been found that the world is more stable if power is concentrated among a fewer number of states. For example, during the Cold War their was stability because domination was shared between two great powers.
